Watch Jennifer Lawrence Reacts to Seeing the Life-Size Katniss Cake ...

By Vanessa

In case you haven't heard, there's a life-size Katniss Everdeen cake! Lara Clarke of Tasty Cakes bakery even won this year's Cake International in Birmingham, England, with it! According to Britain's "Telegraph," the cake took 2.5 months, 150 eggs, and 22 pounds of flour and butter to make. Whoa. In this video (fast forward to 2:10), you'll see Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth look at a photo of the cake and react to it - they had some pretty nice things to say!

After Laura heard the interview, she shared her excitement on the Tasty Cake's Facebook page! "Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson just called me amazing on Radio1... Me? I am absolutely gob smacked... Like... I have tears. This is awesome." What do you think of the life-size J.Law-as-Katniss cake?

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